Circa Mid-18th Century

This matched pair of American pistols measure 17 inches overall and sport full cherry stocks with American fabricated brass mounts and round ten inch .65 cal. smoothbore barrels. Both the barrels and the convex locks have "BARBAR" engraved in block letters, and the barrels have British proof marks along with "IB" for James Barbar I. The convex double bridle locks are in their original flintlock condition and have simple neat "chain" type border engraving. The cherry stocks have neatly carved fans or shells around the barrel tangs and the locks and triangular sideplates have raised panel carving around them. The "butt caps" are uniquely made of applewood. These pistols could have been used in either or both the French and Indian War as well as the American Revolution.

Condition:  Very Good. Original flint. Both pistols have some stable cracks around the locks and sidepanels as well as the forestocks. There is a small triangular shaped wood splinter replacement measuring 1 3/8" x 1/8" on the forestock above the ramrod ferrule on one pistol, otherwise all wood and metal are original.

  • ex Bob Nittolo Collection